Miks Muižarājs
Miks Muižarājs
State building researcher

Session 2: Feel

11:30 AM - 13:00 PM

Miks Muižarājs

Miks Muižarājs is a researcher and enthusiast in nation-building, striving to understand how citizen engagement and community driven development affect the stability and development of both nascent and well established forms of government.
During his work on World Bank government decentralization projects in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Togo, Miks spent considerable time in remote villages and witnessed the importance and strength of the grassroots level in facilitating or disrupting progress within society.
His previous applied geography work in Ecuador and Ethiopia, where he studied small-scale local interventions which promoted income generation and access to higher education, added to this experience.
He currently works with international think-tanks, government auditing agencies and NGOs in both Latvia and abroad, trying to find sustainable policy interventions which can help to link the grassroots level with the upper echelons of policy-making.